tirsdag den 31. januar 2012

Only if for a Night.

Falsk er det nye sort.

Kærligheden er som en fugl. I overført betydning.
Når forældre fortæller deres grimme børn at de er pæne, må de da egentlig have rimelig høje tanker om dem selv.

En påstand, uden belæg.
Jeg aldrig følt mig så alene før.
Jeg tror nu fuldstændig på ensomhed.
Vil bare have fri

søndag den 29. januar 2012

Places I can be myself:
My house

That's about it
it's hard to see a skinny beautiful person stand up and say that "looks don't matter"
It's amazing how often I forget that this is my life. I keep dreaming of the better times I seem to think will come

intet kommer til den der venter

Det er nu for galt. Jeg vejer 70 kilo, og jeg er ikke tilfreds med det.
Plaget af strækmærker og appelsinhud. I'm not liking it.

I realised how much I have been eating lately. It's insane.
I don't wanna feel tall AND large.

It's amazing how many thoughts went through my mind, while I was in the shower
I thought about my body, my life, going to a shrink perhaps.. And how I was gonna write it all down on my blog afterwards
But now my mind it all blank. I don't know what to write..
This sucks

mandag den 23. januar 2012

Kindergarten teachers are just weird and socially disabled people, who find joy in telling small People what to do.
It's only mid day and I've already cried twice.. Being very emotional today.
Hormons taking over my life. I cry about everything, and today frustration was to blame..

fredag den 20. januar 2012

You know what? I don't mind being alone.. I don't need anyone, as long as I have my music.


Florebce + The Machine = My new love <3

onsdag den 18. januar 2012

So many fucking things are overrated.
It's unbelieveable.

Love has no age.
Love has no height.
Love has no weight.
Love has no hair.

To do:
Bleach teath
Get a spray tan
Get extentions
Start working out

søndag den 15. januar 2012

torsdag den 12. januar 2012

Pet peeves

No offence old people, but I don't like the way you smell
Please, no talking while yawning
Please, COVER your mouth while you yawn
Talking with food in your mouth

onsdag den 11. januar 2012

Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself
Now look at them
- Now look back at yourself

What do you think?
Why do people always tell tall people, "with that height you could be a model!
Gosh! Just 'cause your tall, doesn't mean you can model.
Like that's the only advantage of being tall.

random aspirations

Love and beauty is a fucking illusional. I don't believe it anymore.
I won't. Too much time has been wasted. Aspiring for something I can never be. Pictures and makeup. Editing. Fuck that shit. Everything's a lie. I don't trust mirrors. I don't trust pictures. I don't trust those snotty ass comments. I wouldn't believe it, if anyone would ever tell me that I'm beautiful. But luckyly that's not what life's about, right? Life's more than beauty. Life's more than that. I don't believe it anymore. I've come to realise I can only trust myself. I must attempt not to need anymore than that. Let go of the addictions. Beauty, love, fame, money.
I'm living inside myself. I aspire to find the happiness inside myself. Living with these beliefs could take me anywhere. I think I might hope to much. Expecting the unexpected, and waiting for the life I wish for. You go ahead girl. Show 'em what your made of.

I want to take a bike ride in the rain. Singing along to the sweet music playing in my ears.

Praise me, bitch

tirsdag den 10. januar 2012

I know..

Life's what you make it, but DAMN it's hard to make it good

mandag den 9. januar 2012

Wheres the limit would you say?

Feeling very inspired by "Shake it out" by Florence and The Machine

søndag den 8. januar 2012

I might start living for myself, for once.. Im not sure yet
Dancing is a great way to exercise!
The sweat on my forehead is caused by dancing in my room.
- Should I give myself a challenge, and put on high heels?
Either way, Im having fun ♥


mandag den 2. januar 2012

Some things to do before I die
- Deltage i et poetry slam (Scene poesi)
- Have en trekant
- Stoppe op foran en fremmed, og bare stirre overrasket på dem, indtil de spørger "Hvad?", hvorefter at råbe "Fuck, du ser godt ud!" - Bare for at se deres efterfølgende reaktion
- Have en kæreste
- Have kort hår